Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm ready for my close up

Little Peyton had her first photo shoot last weekend and she was already showing signs of being a Diva! Our poor photographer was pooped on and Marcus was tinkled on twice. It was all worth it though with the great shots we got! 
 I love these shots. She is definitely a daddy's girl already.
 This shot took almost 30 minutes to get. It was a team effort between Marcus, the photographer and I. You'd never guess how we did it. And I'm not telling the secret! I still can't believe this little cutie came from me. :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcome to the World Little Butterfly

Let me preface by recanting my last post. I was indeed in labor on 1-11-11! We were sent home because I wasn't making any progress however, we come to find out that I was indeed in labor.

After being sent home, I decided to take one day off work and return on Thursday the 13th. At 11:30, the secretary at my school comes on the intercom to tell me that my doctor is on the phone and they need to speak with me. Immediately, I start to get nervous because they have NEVER called my school looking for me. When I get to the phone, they ask me to come in right away and not wait until my 4:30pm appt. that day. I tell them I can but ask why. She lets me know they are worried about the baby because I've been in labor for 2 days! 

I call Marcus to let him know and he frantically drives to pick me up and we head to the doctor. When we arrive, my doctor let's me know that he's worried about me being in labor for 2 days with no progression. After being checked, we find out that I have so much scar tissue from a previous surgery on my cervix. So much so that it would prevent me from laboring naturally on my own. He was still optimistic that with the help of pitocin, I would still be able to deliver on my own once they broke apart the scar tissue. 

Well we check into the hospital at 6:00am and get settled into our room. After getting the IV started, the fun began. They started the pitocin increasing the dosage every 20 minutes. I began at 1cm and by 10:30 I was at 3cm and the doctor was breaking my water. The excitement was kicking in and so was the pain so I got an epidural. At 2:30 I was not at 5cm and making good progress. By 4:30, I had stalled at 7cm. They waited another hour, however, nothing had changed. My contractions were slowing down and they were afraid she was stuck in my birth canal. 

I couldn't help but cry when I heard the words: C-Section, but my doctor assured us it was the only way to safely get the baby out. I agreed but it still was not what I had planned for the birth of my precious baby. I was nervous but all I could repeat in my mind to calm down was "healthy baby, healthy mommy". 

At 6:30pm we head to the operating room to have our little girl. Although it wasn't the birth I expected, it was no less of an awe inspiring, unforgettable moment in my life. With Marcus by my side, Peyton Ela Jones entered the world at 6:58pm. She was 6 lbs. 4 ounces and 19.5 inches long. She was born at 38 weeks 6 days.

She was indeed stuck in my pelvic area and there was no way she was making it through. She was also face up which was an issue so we definitely made the correct choice. Marcus went with her to be cleaned and weighed. What's so miraculous is how quiet she was when she was born. She let out one LOUD cry and then stopped. I was scared beyond belief wondering what was going on with my baby since I couldn't see her. They assured me she was perfect, just quiet. Let's only hope she stays that way. 

After they finished getting me stitched and cleaned up, they brought my precious daughter over for me to see. She brought tears to my eyes with how beautiful she is. I couldn't believe this perfect little person came from me!!! 
After getting back to the room, I had trouble dealing with the anesthesia and had some nausea and vomiting which caused my interior muscles to tear. Boy was that painful! I lost a lot of blood so they decided to keep us in the hospital until Monday. 

I'm doing great though. Peyton has latched on like a pro and has only lost 4 ounces which they are sure she'll put right back on once my milk comes in. It's been such a wonderful experience already and I can't wait for each day with her! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2 L&D Visits and still NO Peyton

Seriously... Only 1cm! There's no way she's making her debut through that tiny of a hole.

Well I started having contractions Sunday night and just suffered through them until Tuesday afternoon when they were coming every 5 minutes and getting more and more painful. I call the doctor and they told us to go to L&D so they can check me out. We get there and I'm only dilated 1cm. I couldn't believe it! All that pain and that's all the progress I had made. So we were sent home and told to come back when the contractions are 4 minutes apart.

Now the walking marathon begins. We walked through Target for nearly 2.5 hours, finding some great deals on little sleepers for Peyton I may add. Then we walked Lowe's for about an hour and finished off our marathon with a parade around the Dollar Tree. Afterwards, my hips were sore, my feet hurt and I was exhausted! We ended our night with a spicy trip to Buffalo Wild Wings to try and melt her out with all their fiery delicious wings.

By 10:30pm Tuesday night the contractions were coming every 3 minutes and were extremely painful. So back to the hospital we go. Convinced this time was the real thing. After an hour there, I was still only dilated 1cm and not making any progress. To make matters worse, the contractions were slowing down.

So I guess for now Peyton has decided to stay an inside baby. Maybe another order of hot wings will do the trick... ;-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

38 Weeks...

I'm officially 2 weeks away from my due date with no little Peyton in sight. We went to the doctor on Thursday hoping for news of me dilating or showing any signs of progression. However, she's staying snug as a bug in there for now.

The highlight of the appointment came when the nurse let me know I was back to the weight I was before I became swollen like a balloon. My doctor's hilarious note on my chart: "Husband aggressively pushing fluids." We couldn't stop laughing. Marcus had indeed been filling me up on liquids as his cure all for any ailment. At least now he's giving me a break!

Hopefully things will start to progress soon and I will be holding my little one any day now. You never know!